Development of a training program targeted at improving the sustainability of fishing practices and sanitary conditions of seafood handling: Santo Antão, São Vicente, Sal and Santiago Islands
Requalificação do Bairro de São Sebastião. Works of requalification of Bairro S. Sebastião, the walking trail from the Fort of S. Felipe, and improved signage
Aquisição de Equipamento Informático para a DGIS e as Câmaras Municipais (Purchase of IT Equipment for DGIS and Local Municipalities)
Technical Assistance to develop a new Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) curriculum in secondary education to promote the development of digital skills in Cabo Verde
Acquisition of equipment for the Boavista Surgery Room: Lot I-Medical Gases, Lot II-Hospital Medical Equipment; Lot IIIa-Surgical instruments-Gynaecology-Obstetrics Surgery Box; Lot IIIb-Surgical Instruments-Orthopedic Surgery; Lot IIIc-Surgical Instruments-Stomatological Surgery Box; Lot IIId-Surgical Instruments-General Surgery; Lot IV-Textiles and sterilization boxes
Produção de Materiais Gráficos, Indumentárias e Brindes para o IV Inquérito Demográfico e de Saúde Reprodutiva (IV IDSR)