Contract Award Notice 018 Laboratory capacity strengthening for the response to COVID-19, supplies of cartridge tests of CIPHEID Xpert Xpress SARS-CoV-2
Contract Award notice 015 Technical Assistance for the implementation of the actions foreseen in the Evaluation Consulting Report of the Usability Indices of the Land Management Information and Transaction System
Contract Award Notice 019 Serviços de consultoria em matéria de serviços do hospital nacional de Cabo Verde
Contract Award Notice 144 Production of Audiovisual Materials from the IV IDRF to Family Expenditures and Income
Contract Award Notice 015 Technical Support to define the EMPROFAC privatization, and privatization process of INPHARMA, and to update the Business and Asset Valuation of EMPROFAC and INPHARMA, S.A
Contract Award Notice 014 Consulting services to review the national legal framework covering the market of drug import
Contract Award Notice 002 Engineer Consultant (Owner s Engineer) for the control and supervision of the works
Contract Award Notice 016 Infection prevention and control: Provision of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and Testing