Construction workers receive training on GBV, health and safety at work as part of the Habitat Regeneration Program in the Pensamento and São Pedro neighborhoods

31 workers on contracts to rehabilitate houses for vulnerable families in the Pensamento and São Pedro neighborhoods received training on Gender-Based Violence, sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment, workers’ health and safety and a complaints management system and feedback accessible to workers.


The training, which took place on March 7 in São Pedro, is part of a partnership between the Special Projects Management Unit (UGPE) and the Cape Verdean Institute for Gender Equality and Equity (ICIEG).

The main aim of this action was to raise awareness among workers about these issues, particularly the specific forms of violence, providing information about how they can happen, while educating and contributing to a culture of prevention. They were also made aware of the Human Capital Project’s Complaints Management Mechanism and the forms and channels available for making a complaint.


It is important to note that this activity is part of the Environmental and Social Safeguards of the Human Capital Project managed by UGPE and financed by the World Bank. The UGPE teams were represented by Environmental and Social Specialist Larissa Varela and Social Specialist Ermelinda Lima and ICIEG by Psychologist Celestina da Silva.