TA to support co-management initiatives in artisanal fishing communities, to continue empowering communities in the sustainable and inclusive management of their marine and coastal resources
Elaboration of the Pre-feasibility study for public-private partnership for the concession of the higway Praia-Tarrafal, Santiado Island Cabo Verde
Preparation of the Strategic Communication Plan for the National Directorate of State Revenue (DNRE) and Technical Assistance in its Implementation
Technical Assistance to develop the Cape Verdean Music Society (SCM) APP and SCM authors and artists portal
Studies to design, refurbish and upgrade the quay of Tarrafal Santiago and surrounding area to support the integration of the coastal fishing and tourism value chains
Consultancy Services to define a Tax and Customs information system architecture and conceptual Interoperability model definition
Consultancy Services to develop an IT Solution that allows implementation of an Automatic Exchange of Information (AEOI) in tax matters, to support the operationalization of an information exchange office
Technical Assistance to support the National Utility Regulator, ARME, (Agencia Reguladora Multisectorial da Economia) to implement its tariff methodology trough the cost of service study focused on tariff categorization