Hiring of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) to support the monitoring/follow-up of beneficiaries of the Productive Inclusion Program in three (3) municipalities:LOT 6-Tarrafal, São Miguel and Santa Catarina de Santiago
🆃🅴🅽🅳🅴🆁 🅲🅰🅽🅲🅴🅻🅴🅳:Preparation of the Strategic Communication Plan for the National Directorate of State Revenue (DNRE) and Technical Assistance in its Implementation
🆃🅴🅽🅳🅴🆁 🅲🅰🅽🅲🅴🅻🅴🅳:Technical Assistance to implement a corporate governance plan for e-embassy digital transformation
Contracting a Training Entity (FE) to implement training and activities to support productive inclusion in the municipalities: LOT 1 São vicente, Porto Novo, Ribeira Grande, Paúl LOT 2 Sal, Ribeira Brava, Tarrafal and Boa Vista LOT 3 São Filipe, Mosteiros, Santa Catarina and Brava
Hiring Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) to support the monitoring of the beneficiaries of the Productive Inclusion Program in the municipalities LOT 1 São Vicente, Porto Novo, Ribeira Grande, Paúl LOT 2 Sal, Ribeira Brava, Tarrafal and Boa Vista LOT 3 São Filipe, Mosteiros, Santa Catarina and Brava
Hiring a Training Provider to implement training and support activities for productive inclusion in the municipalities of Tarrafal, São Miguel and Santa Catarina – LOT 6
Hiring a Training Provider to implement training and support activities for productive inclusion in the municipalities of Santa Cruz, São Lourenço dos Órgãos and São Salvador do Mundo – LOT 5
Hiring a Training Provider to implement training and support activities for productive inclusion in the municipalities of Praia, São Domingos, Ribeira Grande de Santiago and Maio – LOT 4