Portugal hosts the 1st Round Table on Mapping the Cape Verdean Diaspora in the world

The First Round Table on Mapping the Cape Verdean Diaspora in the World was held at the Cape Verde Cultural Center in Lisbon on June 22. The event was chaired by the Minister for Communities, Jorge Santos, and was attended by the Portuguese Secretary of State for Communities, José Cesário, and the Cape Verdean Ambassador to Portugal, Eurico Monteiro. It also included the participation of Cape Verdean communities living in Portugal and in other European countries that welcome our diaspora.


The mapping will have three phases, the first being promotion/awareness-raising/dissemination, which is currently underway, the second consisting of the pilot survey which will take place in the third quarter of this year, allowing the project’s methodology to be assessed and corrected, and finally data collection, which will take place between April and June 2025.


This project aims to respond to one of the central challenges of the Government Programme of this 9th legislature (2021 – 2026), PEDS II and the Strategic Plan for Communities, giving centrality to the Cape Verdean diaspora, both in the paradigm shift in relation to the country’s governance culture, and in its integration process in favour of its sustainable development, framing it in the process of producing, systematizing and disseminating official statistical information, as a fundamental strategic pillar in the planning of Cape Verde’s development process.


Mapping the Cape Verdean Diaspora in the World is being carried out by the National Statistics Institute of Cape Verde and the Ministry of Communities with funding from the World Bank as part of the West Africa Statistics Harmonization and Improvement Project, implemented by the Special Projects Management Unit (UGPE).

Photo: Ministério das Comunidades