Mid-Term Evaluation of the Digital Cape Verde Project kicks off

This Tuesday, July 11, a Mid-Term Evaluation mission of the #DigitalCaboVerdeProject began.

During the opening session, the Secretary of State for the Digital Economy, Pedro Lopes, praised the progress achieved as a result of the implementation of the Digital Cabo Verde project, despite the challenges that still persist in the Digital area, considered Lopes.

The mission will run until July 19, and aims to (i) carry out the biannual review of the project; (ii) review the progress of project implementation towards achieving the project development objective (PDO) in accordance with the effectiveness of the project; (iii) support project implementation, with a focus on addressing constraints in procurement processes and delays in key activities; and (iv) formalize the transition of the Task Team Leader (TTL) from Maria Claudia Pachon (Senior Digital Development Specialist) to Camila Mejia Giraldo (Senior Digital Development Specialist).

On the occasion, the project manager, Guevara Cruz, highlighted relevant aspects through a brief presentation on the balance of activities carried out during the first semester and those planned for the second semester.

The meeting was also attended by the Coordinator of the Special Projects Management Unit, Nuno Gomes and the national and World Bank working team.

Meetings are also planned to align and strengthen synergies of the various beneficiaries of the project, namely ARME – Multisectoral Regulation Agency for the Economy, DGTED – Directorate-General for Telecommunications and Digital Economy, NOSI – Operational Center for the Information Society and DNP – National Planning Directorate, among others.